United Services
for Social Enterprises
“United Services for Social Enterprises” (USER-SE) is a project, created through a strategic partnership between six countries: Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany, France and Greece.
The project wants to address the main issues that limit the development of the social enterprise’s (SE) sector, such as the poor understanding of the role of this type of companies in society, the lack of visibility, the need for business development and support services such as tutoring and training programs, investment support, etc.
The survival and growth of SE are influenced by internal factors such as the lack of feasible business models, high dependence on the public sector as a source of income, lack of commercial acumen, entrepreneurial spirit and skills, managerial and professional skills necessary for strengthening the activity.
USER-SE intends to strengthen training, the exchange of good practices and experiences in social entrepreneurship, increasing skills among partner organizations, spreading and enhancing the social approach in local communities, increasing the recognition and visibility of social enterprises, but also in a broader way, creating supporting tools such as the “One-stop service for Social Enterprise” that in a virtual scenario with different actors and organizations connected to the sector, will increases the entrepreneurial culture, stimulating the social approach and, in the training field, growing the knowledge on the subject.
Objectives of the project are:
- Promote the exchange of knowledge, experience and good practices in the entrepreneurial field.
- Improve skills and abilities in social entrepreneurship
- Increase the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
- Create a virtual tool for orientation, support and advice on social enterprise
- Strengthen linguistic, digital and intercultural skills
- Promote strategic cooperation at the international level
USER-SE involves staff members of the partnership formed by trainers, tutors, educators, training and education professionals for a total of 18 participants, three for each partner institution.
The project through 6 training activities on the social enterprise and 3 transnational meetings will produce as main results the online “One-stop service for Social Enterprise online” and a “Report on best practices”.
I.Re.Forr – Istituto Regionale per la formazione e la Ricerca
I.Re.Forr – Regional Institute for Training & Research – is a limited liability cooperative founded in 1984 which has a diversified experience in the field of training and research.
Accredited by the Basilicata Region since 2004, it obtained the Quality Certification ISO 9001 Vision 2008 from CERMET with Certificate n. 8249-A.
It operates in the field of professional training:
It accompanies young people in entering the labor market, paying particular attention to occupational and professional requirements;
It accompanies the professional growth of workers during the entire career path;
Performs training with public and private funding;
Assists companies and workers for the redevelopment and relocation of individual work;
It offers distance learning to develop their skills through the internet and new media;
I.Re.Forr has as its mission the satisfaction of the company by focusing on the person, taking care of the professional and organizational growth that satisfies the individual needs, transferring skills and knowledge, employing the best professionals and using the most modern technologies, to form future resources.
4obs Consulting

4obs Consulting having humanistic culture, is focusing on achieving goals on behalf of their clients, utilizing sources of growth, investment and financing and managing the most of your business evolution by applying innovative “tools” and dynamic methodological approaches. In this context, 4obs Consulting provide expert advisory services (sub) support to find new funding opportunities, holding on to most of European and national support programs and investments aiming the development of the entrepreneur, the development of the business itself and employees with a vision to improve the position of the Greek market in the operational process.
The Services of 4obs Consulting are:
Development, Management and Implementing Business Plans.
Feasibility studies.
Project Management- Technical Support\Consulting.
Conducting and Implementing Business Plans in the context of NSRF 2014-2020 and management of the projects until their completion.
Submitting and implementing Research national and European programs, supervision andmanagement during implementation and until completion.
Create, develop and implement innovative ideas and solutions.
Human Resources Training & Development.
Accounting services\ Financial Management.
C.E.P.S – Associacio per a la creacio i estudis de projectes socials

CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS is a non-profit association founded in 1994 and has 230 professionals working mainly in the Catalan and Spanish territories, with projects developed in Latin America and Europe. It is registered as “Associació per a la creació d’estudis i projectes socials”.The mission of our organization is to facilitate access to the social and cultural capital of a community to people through their empowerment, the promotion of cohesion and social inclusion and the fight against social inequalities. In order to achieve this, CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS defines its frame of intervention and management (training, education, community, international projects) in a model based in a clear balance between efficiency and innovation.
A strategic and social view of the use of technologies is put into practice, new ways of participation are tested and strategic partnerships are developed at a local and international level. Evaluation and creativity blend together into inspiring solutions for the community.
CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS is responsible for the management and implementation of socio-educational activities for children, young people and adults, further training for professionals and innovative research and development in new projects and practices.
The Association is determined to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect children and young people, who are in its care or participate in its activities, from harm. Its child protection policy establishes the Association’s position, role and responsibilities and clarifies what is expected from everybody involved in the Association.
Centre Ressources Arobase

Arobase is a training center and a player in vocational training within the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS).Our engagements :
Offer a course of higher education certifying.
Adapt our interventions to changes in social policies, to employers, to the public.
Accompany participants to success by offering a safe route.
The proposed actions are intended for professionals in the social and solidarity economy.
To respond to the diversity of structures and needs, Arobase offers:
Qualifying courses constituting a real sector, from level III to level I;
continuous training within and between institutions;
applied research actions, in particular those with a European dimension.
With experience in the promotion of employees and the conversion of jobseekers, AROBASE puts its action in an ethical framework whose purpose is the Man (adherence to the charter of the Social Economy).
For nearly 30 years, more than 2,000 professionals, mainly in Rhône-Alpes, have benefited from these courses. This independent functioning has allowed the main families of the Social and Solidarity Economy and various sectors of activity to coexist, but also to express different political sensitivities around the notions of democracy and citizenship.
The European Affairs Campaign supports agencies, creative clusters and public institutions to develop strategies in the field of the European Affairs.
The organisation cooperates actively with its members in:
Project management
Coordination of programmes
Communication with partners
BXL provides in work placements, educational programmes and study visits in Brussels.BXL
Europe collaborates with over 200 private companies, public organizations and NGOs in the city of Brussels, that host students and young entrepreneurs, encouraging them to improve their technical and linguistic skills.We support our members in:
- Organisation of work placements
- Organisation of professional visits and seminars
- Language courses in English and French
- Accomodation
- Maintenance/Pocket Money
- Transfer to/from airport
- Local transports
- Cultural activities
- Certificates
- Europass
- Final reporting
Comparative Research Network EV

CRN is actively involved in scientific research, teaching and cultural activities that link the realm of ideas with everyday experience. As our name indicates, we work internationally and cross-culturally. Only through thoughtful comparison can we interpret our local reality, render it more comprehensible and develop strategies to address the issues that affect our everyday lives. CRN performs research both as a partner within international consortia as within the scope of its own projects. CRN publishes a working paper series that communicates the work of its members to a wider audience.
CRN investigates among other things:
The changing significance of national borders within the context of European integration and global change
Post-Social transformation and its implications for urban and regional development in Central and Eastern Europe
The emerging geopolitics of the European Union
Cultural dimensions of urban change